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How to Find a Trusted Plumber
October 20,2022

How to Find a Trusted Plumber

When you’re in need of plumbing service in your home or business premises, you want to call a dependable plumber who’s capable of getting the job done right the first time. Finding a trusted plumber can be a nightmare, considering that there are countless plumbers to choose from. But it doesn’t have to be.
Let’s walk you through a few simple steps to find a reliable plumber for your project. 

1.    Personal referrals

One of the simplest ways to find a plumber you can trust is by asking friends, family members, and co-workers if they have a go-to plumber. If they have faith in a plumber they’ve worked with before, they will be happy to recommend them to you. Your friends and family are unlikely to be biased. Once you get several referrals, you compare them in terms of quality of service, price, and turnaround time in order to make a good decision.

2.    Seek out plumbers online

If you are unable to get reliable referrals from friends and family, your next bet would be to search for a plumber online. Perform a simple Google search and you’ll get countless plumbers, with some listing their services in online directories and others on their own websites. However, you need to thoroughly vet prospective plumbers before you make a choice. Make sure you read customers’ reviews and ask them to provide you with references to their previous clients, so that you can ask about their experience with the plumber you are considering hiring. Be wary of plumbers who hide customers’ reviews from the public.

3.    Consider their experience in the industry

As with most services, you’ll want to work with an experienced plumber. A plumbing company that has been in business for decades is likely to employ highly-skilled and experienced plumbers. Furthermore, most plumbing projects tend to be complicated, so they must be handled by a plumber who’s skilled and experienced.

4.    Get more than one quote

Some people choose to hire the first plumber they come across because they feel that shopping around is a waste of time. If you hire the first plumber you get a hold of, there is a high chance you may not get a reliable plumber for your project. Be sure to get multiple quotes and compare apples to apples. Also, keep in mind that cheaper isn’t always better.

5. Ask the right questions

Here are some of the questions you’ll need to ask when hiring a plumber.

  • Is the rate hourly or fixed?
  • What is the estimated cost of the job?
  • Who will be doing the job? Do you subcontract?
  • Do you have the necessary permits?
  • Do you specialize in a certain area of your trade?
  • Can I get a breakdown of all the fees?
  • Do you offer a warranty?

Looking for A Trusted Plumber to Help You with Your Plumbing Needs? Contact Mr. Rooter Plumbing

If you’re looking for experienced plumbers who are capable of providing dependable plumbing service, you can count on the experts at Mr. Rooter Plumbing to exceed your expectations. Mr. Rooter Plumbing is a reputable plumbing company that provides a wide range of residential and commercial plumbing services at competitive prices. Some of the plumbing services we offer include plumbing installations, plumbing repairs, preventative maintenance, and many more.