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How to Remove Calcium Buildup
November 29,2023

How to Remove Calcium Buildup

If you have hard water in your home, you might have noticed white stains on your plumbing fixtures and even shower walls. The white stains are calcium deposits, also known as limescale. Calcium buildup is not only unsightly, but it can also clog pipes and reduce the lifespan of plumbing fixtures. If left untreated or not removed, it can cause major plumbing issues over time.

In this blog post, Mr. Rooter Plumbing covers some of the tried and tested ways to remove calcium buildup from your plumbing fixtures.

Method 1: Use Vinegar & Baking Soda

  1. Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
  2. Apply the solution to the affected area and let it sit for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Scrub the surface with a brush or sponge.
  4. For stubborn deposits, make a paste with baking soda and water, apply it to the area, scrub, and rinse.

For pipes, pour the vinegar solution into the drain and rinse with hot water after letting the solution sit for 30 minutes.

Method 2: Use Citric Acid

  1. Dissolve citric acid powder in water according to the package instructions.
  2. Apply the solution to the calcium buildup and let it sit for about 30 minutes.
  3. Scrub the area with a brush or sponge, and complete the process by rinsing thoroughly with water.

Method 3: Use Calcium, Lime, and Rust Remover (CLR)

  1. Wear gloves, and apply CLR directly to the affected area according to the product’s instructions.
  2. Let CLR sit for 15-30 minutes and scrub or wipe away the deposits.
  3. Use a sponge or brush to scrub the calcium buildup.
  4. Once you’ve removed the deposits, rinse the area with water.

Method 4: Use Muriatic Acid

Caution: Muriatic acid is a strong and potentially hazardous chemical. Make sure you use appropriate protective gear, including gloves and goggles. Also, work in a well-ventilated area.

  1. Dilute muriatic acid with water according to the product's instructions.
  2. Wear gloves, and apply the muriatic acid solution to the affected area.
  3. Let the muriatic acid solution sit for 10-15 minutes. Do not leave it for too long, as it can end up drying on the surface.
  4. Use a sponge or brush to scrub the calcium buildup.
  5. Once the calcium buildup is gone, rinse the area with water.

Method 5: Leave It To A Professional Plumbing Service

If you’re unable to get rid of the calcium deposits, it’s best to leave it to a professional plumbing service. Professional plumbers have the experience and expertise to safely and effectively remove calcium buildup from your pipes and fixtures. They will also be able to identify any underlying issues that may be causing the calcium buildup, such as corrosion or hard water.

How To Prevent Calcium Buildup in Pipes

  • Install A Whole-House Water Softener

A water softener is the most effective way to prevent calcium buildup in your pipes. It removes the minerals that cause hard water, which in turn prevents them from building up on the inside of your pipes.

  • Install PEX Piping

PEX piping is less susceptible to calcium buildup than traditional copper pipes. This is because it is made of flexible plastic that is not as easily corroded by hard water.

  • Regular Plumbing Maintenance

Regularly cleaning your faucet aerators, showerheads, and water heaters can help prevent calcium buildup from forming. You can also use a vinegar solution to descale your faucets and showerheads.

Need Assistance With Removing Calcium Buildup? Call Mr. Rooter Plumbing

For all the plumbing issues you can’t resolve yourself, turn to the expert plumbers at Mr. Rooter Plumbing. We provide a comprehensive range of services, such as plumbing repair, faucet replacement, water line installation, pipe replacement, and many more. Contact us today to book an appointment.